·The acquisition comprises a % interest in the Hunter Valley Operations mine and an 80% interest in the Mount Thorley mine In addition Yancoal will have access to Coal & Allied group s % interest in the Warkworth mine a % interest in Port Waratah Coal Services and other undeveloped coal assets
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·With the ramp up of the QB mine in 2024 the company anticipates doubling its copper production to nearly 600 000 tonnes annually In January this year the Canadian company announced the divestiture of a minority stake in EVR to Nippon Steel NSC and As part of the deal NSC acquired a 20% interest in EVR by
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·Coal mining in Australia continues to expand both through existing developments and new projects despite funding concerns combined coal sales for the largest six mines in NSW grew by more than 20% In Gorringe s report on the topic he noted that use of automated equipment such as autonomous haul trucks makes more
·The facility is designed to support the mine through to its first coal production encompassing the acquisition of additional mining systems necessary to reach full capacity Structured as a loan notes issuance agreement the $60m facility offers a three year term with repayments set to commence following an initial grace period