We are a group company we have a Crusher factory export Crusher worldwide professional manufacturer and supplier of Crusher magnetic separator and vibrating feeder in China Baite Magnet Technology Brown fused alumina with high quality abrasive grade bauxite as raw material the arc integrated by more than 2000 degrees high temperature
Le 13 septembre 2024 le ministre par intrim des Mines Fuh Calistus Gentry a remis à la socit Camalco filiale au Cameroun de la junior minière australienne Canyon Resources le permis d exploitation du gisement de bauxite de Minim Martap dans la rgion de l Adamaoua Selon les services de la communication de
·La convention minière a t conclue mardi 30 juillet avec la Cameroon Mining and Alumina Company CAMALCO SA la filiale camerounaise de la socit australienne Canyon Resources Ltd Il a ajout que le projet de bauxite Minim Martap est un projet minier conomiquement rentable cologiquement durable et socialement
The Double Roll Crusher crushes a wide range of material types reaching compressive strengths of up to 150 MPa and even above It is less sensitive to wet and sticky material than Roll Sizers and can take in larger feed sizes making it the optimal primary crusher for soft and medium hard rocks
·Au Cameroun le projet Minim Martap hberge 99 1 millions de tonnes de rserves de bauxite prouves soit la catgorie de rserves de minerai la plus prcise selon le code JORC 2012 C est ce que rapporte l australien Canyon Resources dans un communiqu publi le 25 mai prcisant que ces rserves ont une teneur de 51 6 % en
·The Company is focused on expediting the development of the high grade Minim Martap Bauxite project in central Cameroon through its wholly owned subsidiary Camalco Cameroon SA Camalco The Companyâ s 100% owned Minim Martap Bauxite project is a global direct shipping ore DSO project development opportunity
ANTAM s bauxite commodity is produced at the Tayan bauxite mine which is operated by the West Kalimantan Bauxite Mining Business Unit Alumina is used in the manufacturing of refractory materials and raw materials for electronic components The Tayan CGA plant is operated by ANTAM s Subsidiary PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina